Sunday, January 30, 2011
God I dont know a lot of things, but one thing i know for sure is that You really really and truly do LOVE me :), I am amazed at Your love and Your discipline. I know that You want me to grow up in my walk with You, I know that You are telling me that I am fine the way I am and You've told me to forget the former things (isaiah 43:18).
I love You Lord and I want the world to know how great You are my God :D ! I want Your love to be made known to every person on this earth that they may encounter You and be forever changed by You. I am different because of Your touch that has saved me and made me whole. I am different because of how You have loved me and how Your Holy Spirit has guided me in the truth. I am Yours now and forever and I love You with all of my heart and none can compare to You. Your LOVE runs deep within me. Let me be locked in Your heart never to be taken out again, I just wanna stay right here with You. I just wanna be forever in Your embrace, I just want You just need You.
"From the rising of the sun to where it sets, I will give You everything :)"
By Your grace I shall live to You I live for You God <3 ! xoxo
'Arms wide OPEN :)' !!!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Free by Hillsong =]
that we are the ones who can make the change
in the world today....
would you believe me if I said...
that all of the dreams in your heart
can come
would you believe me if I said...
that life could be all that you want it to
and if I had wings I would fly
'cause all that I need, you are...
and if the world caved in around me...
to you I'd still hold on
'cause You're all that I believe...
and the one that created me...
JESUS...because of you...I'M FREE
would you blieve me if I said...
that God can make miracles happen today....
would you believe me if I said..
that you don't need to wait for the answers before...
you step out in faith...
would you believe me if I said...
that nothing is ever impossible...for God...
just live your life...with God inside..
you won't regret one moment of it...
and give all that you can for God,for God
Amen :) !
Friday, January 21, 2011
Fire Fire fall down :D !!
Lita's comment :):
Yes, fire of God cleanse us thoroughly from everything that
is not pure and clean,
they will be burnt by His Holy Fire.
After He cleanse u, He'll take us deeper,closer to enter
His Most Holy presence that
nothing can compare to this beautiful&wonderful moment:))
He'll pour out His love until we know His heart beat.
Anoint u with His holy anointing oil
(not just get wet but till u immersed with Holy spirit(Holy laughter),
not just that He'll give u a new wine as His everlasting covenant
with us till u get drunk;)and be ready for extraordinary life with God
is ahead of u..
A divine Revelation :D !
Day 199
Friday, 21 January 2011
Dear God,
This is Amanda :D... Thank You, thank You, thank You for teaching me oh Holy Spirit. I am soooo amazed and excited and feel soo much Love !!! Coz You are here with us right now, this very moment belongs to Your glory. How great is Your Love towards us J.
Firstly You said “So DO NOT fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am Your God. I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)
I first thought we were talking about my study :p, but I guess it does include everything :D...
The call to intercede
“and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. 11The Lord will guide you always, He will satisfy your needs... and strengthen your frame” (Isaiah 58:10-11)
ð This is Your call for me to pray & intercede with fasting. That You may work even more mightily with us.
ð Verse 8 “... righteousness go before you” (corresponds to Isaiah 52:11)
Isaiah 52
The call to purify ourselves, the vessels of the Lord, come with a clean heart. Free yourselves from sorrow and take authority (v.2 “...sit enthroned”).
“...come out from it and be pure, you who carry the vessels of the Lord. 12But you will not leave in haste or go in flight for the Lord will go before you, the God of Israel will be you rear guard.” (Isaiah 52:11-12)
God is not in a hurry, He will prepare your way when you are ready for your calling and that is when your heart is pure. Most of us when we receive the calling, we are filled with so much enthusiasm that we just want to jump into it. But our God is patient (“Love is patient... J 1 Corinthians 13:4-7)! He will go before us and protect us that anything that was impure within us will not e our downfall when we are fulfilling our calling.
Similarly to Joseph who had a pride problem, God made him wait so many years till his calling can eventually be fulfilled to die down his pride and give everything that he has for God’s glory so that when he matures up in faith he will not die away in sin as his flesh has now submitted to the Spirit.
God knows what is ahead of us before we have the faintest idea. HE is God the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. HE knew all things before it would have happened, but He is a merciful God who is loving towards us. He wants us to be with Him, hence He doesn’t want us to fall away.
God does not share His glory with anyone, if I was to be called to prophesy now I may fall away with my pride problem because I would go around telling others that God can speak to me about this and that and that His favour is upon me because I am this or that. Notice that its all coming back to me? Its all making a mark for myself in this world in front of my friend’s eyes. They are wasting away, these things will perish in time and have no place in the Kingdom. God may then take away my gift and cast me away for I will delude myself with praises that comes out from the mouth of men.
I don’t want this for sure and He doesn’t want it too. BUT the difference is that when I am actually in it, I wouldn’t have had a single clue of what is coming and be swallowed up in my own pride. But He had gone before me (Isaiah 52:12) J. He is now preparing me for my selfishness to be done away with by putting me through circumstances in my life that will test me and causes my selfishness to either go away or let me be stuck in it. But since I know what I am chasing after and what He has prepared before me, I have chosen to move forward against all things. He knows that J, hence why He is holding up my calling and making me wait patiently simply because there are things that I need to deal with. There are things in my life and within the deepest part of my heart that needs fixing, there are areas of my life that needs to be surrendered completely into His hands. Until all of these are fixed, then my calling will come. I am an impatient girl and I am so enthusiastic about God’s Kingdom that I just want to jump straight into it. But He has gone before me and He knows how i am going to be if I was to be let into this calling now. The decision that He has made to make ma wait longer is certainly for my own benefit for everything I am and everything I have shall be only and only for His glory. I am overwhelmed by His abundance of mercy and Love in my life. Thank You Daddy J!
“for what they were not told, they will see, and what they have not heard, they will understand.”
(Isaiah 52:15)
A little note...
“Awake, Awake! Clothe yourself with strength, O arm of the Lord!” (Isaiah 51:9)
ð Take charge, and pull yourself together vessels of God. For through you, God will do great things (you are His arm!).
Isaiah 51 – The Everlasting Salvation for Zion
Verse 11: “The ransomed of the Lord will return. They will enter Zion with singing everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.”
Verse 12: you fear mortal me. But they are but grass.
Verse 13: you forget the Lord’s mighty hands because of the oppressor.
Verse 21: “Therefore hear this, you afflicted one, made drunk, but not with wine! :D ð Holy Spirit’s manifestation!
Verse 14: Prisoners will be set free.
Verse 21: "Therefore hear this, you afflicted one, made drunk, but not with wine." (the Holy Spirit's manifestation :D!)
And in your pain and anguish....
“10.Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush Him...makes His life a guilt offering...will see His offspring J and the will of the Lord will prosper in His hand...12.Because He poured out his LIFE unto death,... for He bore the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors.” (Isaiah 53:10,12)
ð Before His glory takes place there must be death of the flesh within us, that when we die to ourselves He will pour in His portion within us that He may increase and we shall decrease and that we are ready to intercede after we fasted that He is now more than us and that we are able to outpour to others. We must prepare the way for ones who just received Jesus for our war is not against the flesh and the flood but against the rulers of darkness in the spiritual realms. (Isaiah 58 talks more about true fasting, find verse of spiritual warfare in Ephesians 6:12).
Isaiah 58 – True Fasting
His promise: “11. The Lord will guide you always, He will satisfy your needs,...strengthen your frame.”
Isaiah 66 – The Judgement and Hope
“14.When you see this, your heart will rejoice,...the hand of the Lord will be made known to his foes J. 15. See, the Lord is coming with fire and His chariots are like a whirlwind; He will bring down His anger with fury; and His rebuke with flames of fire.” (Isaiah 66:14-15)
ð He will burn away our desires and selfishness with His holy fire, the Holy Spirit J.
ð He will come and minister and manifest!
ð First we must be clean vessels, purify our hearts and draw near.
ð Isaiah 66:21 “And I will select some of them also to be priests and Levites,” says the Lord.
Jeremiah 1:12
“...for I am watching to see that My Word is fulfilled.” J
The call to ministry
Isaiah 54 – The Future Glory of Zion
1. “(v.2) Enlarge...your tent, don’t hold back.”
2. “(v.4) Don’t be afraid, you will not suffer shame.”
3. “(v.13)All your sons will be taught by the Lord and great will be your children’s peace J”
4. “(v.14)In righteousness, you will be established, Tyranny will be far from you; you will have nothing to fear. Terror will be far removed; it will not come near you.”
5. “(v.15)... whoever attacks you will surrender to you.”
God is saying do not be afraid to enlarge our ministries as according to His command for we will not suffer shame as we carefully obeyed and recognised the stillness of His voice. He will not let anyone oppress us and whoever that will try and stop us will eventually surrender to us.
God is able to do all things, let the Holy Spirit reveal yourselves more and more things. Be intimate with the Lord for He will let you know some of the mysteries that none of us can ever fathomed as His wisdom surpasses that of ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). Let God move mightily through you as we draw near and open our hearts.
***An important note:
· Zion is the heart of Jerusalem
Joel 2:32 “And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved; for on mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance!”
ð Deliverance = restoration of the heart (Zion)
Joel 3:17 “Then you will know that I, the Lord your God, dwell in Zion, my holy hill. Jerusalem will be holy; never again will foreigners invade her.”
ð Foreigners: things that is not of God. Evil Spirit will not enter our heart when we have been made holy.
A call for His nations
Joel 3:9
“Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let all the fighting men draw near and attack!”
=>Attack and pray for the nations those of you who has been called by the Lord to rise up !!
“Awake, awake, clothe yourself with strength, O arm of the Lord J (Isaiah 51:9)”
Pray for the nations:
“I have determined to do this city harm and not good declares the Lord. It will be given into the hands of the king of Babylon and he will destroy it with fire.” (Jeremiah 29:10)
ð Babylon spoke about a time of confusion. And God has been warning me about the rise of the false prophets.
ð Joel 3:3 the nations were given away because of their prostitution and drunkenness. Here prostitution may not necessarily counts as the sexually illicit behaviour, it can also mean about the way the people sells themselves to the things of this world such as idolatry and simple things that removes God’s throne from their hearts. That is also prostitution.
ð The term drunkenness here can also mean about lack of self control. As we grow in faith, we will be tested and there are things that we are still living in the flesh that needs to be done away with but the lack of self control gives us away to the enemy and thus the time of confusion itself. God is a just God as well as a loving Father, He disciplines and not spoil us. He gave us freewill but with every temptation He always provides a way out. It comes back to us, which way will we choose?
Dont be afraid to do great that God has called you for! God will make a way and put you into the spot in His time, meanwhile draw near, rise up, clothe yourself with strength, enthrone yourself with authority and shake off the dust of your past, prepare for war, fast, pray and intercede. For He will come and He will not delay, in Jesus name, AmenJ !
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The angel seraphim :)
Their position is flying above God's throne, unlike the Cherubim who are beside/around it. Their primary duty is to constantly glorify and praise God and they may also be the personal 'attendant' angels of God. Their eternal song "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory." has been used by Jews and Christians for thousands of years to join with the angels in praising God. In Hebrew, to use the same word three times to describe something means that the person/object is utterly like the word. So calling God Holy three times means that God is utterly and perfectly holy.
In Jewish folklore, and some later Christian works, the Seraphim are said to be the highest rank of angel. This is probably because of their very close proximity to God.
In art, Seraphim are often red (because of their names 'burning ones') and are shown holding a flaming sword with the words 'holy, holy, holy' on the blade.
The coal in Isaiah's vision, that touches his lips, is used to signify that Isaiah is now purified and fit to be a prophet. The coal came from the altar in heaven, so would have been very powerful. Fire is also used in many religions and faiths as a way of purifying and cleansing something.
The angel cherubim..
hm :)...
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Chosen by grace =]...

Somehow I was just inspired to write about my life when i listened to Reggie Dabbs sermon.
This is just bits and pieces of it.
I was unwanted when i was conceived, my mom was married and yet the marriage was breaking down. She didnt plan to have me. Yet God did not stop there. By His mercy I was still born into this world. By His mercy, I was able to reach out to others just the way I am. I didnt think that I could ever impact anyone's life that my life was going to be so ordinary. When I found out about this, it was when my grandmother was angry at me that she just plainly told me when I was around 16 or 17. The first time I heard about it, it didnt quite struck me yet. But soon after that, I just couldnt seem to get it out of my mind. I was unwanted. This explains how much I love my mom and how much she has sacrificed to have raised me up and my sisters and yet I find it a bit hard to connect to her. I wasnt sure if its because she has been busy working to support us or was it the sense of rejection that I had felt when I was in her womb. It wasnt her fault of course. People make mistakes, and this wasnt her mistake. It was just an unfortunate thing that happened, It was just a wrong timing.
I grew up knowing God as a story in a bible. I grew up as Catholic who's been to sunday school twice in my life and went to a Catholic school and goes to church every now and then. I didnt know Who Jesus was, I didnt know what was these stories telling me about. I didnt have any passion for Him or even plainly cared about Him. I had a hidden desire though, but not enough to call it a passion. So i kinda just left it.
When I moved to Melbourne, my high school sweetheart brought me to his church. I didnt quite like it, coming from a Catholic background this whole pentecostal thing is just too lively for a quiet little teenager who just came from Indonesia. Its all too weird to see people just raising their hands and saying yes and Amens to people praying or when the pastor is preaching. I mean I have never seen that before and they all just seemed too extreme to me. There was also a lot of gossips flying around that i heard from people. Hence why i built this defensive wall and just went there because I had to.
Then we broke up, and by His grace He brought us back together just so that I could get a second chance with Him. The second time we got back together, there was a change that I could see in him. He just came back from the church's winter camp. He was different. there was this light, this gentleness that is just lost for words. He couldnt even describe it. I was speechless and agreed to give the church another try. This time around, I didnt join the church's main service. There was a youth english service that runs in the church just for about half a year in 2008. By His grace, I was introduced to so many people who are genuine and whom cared about me so dearly. To this day I thank God for bringing these people into my life. I started coming to the youth service more regularly simply because I liked the people. A year went by, as my faith grew in Him the moment I received Him, there was no turning back. There was this burning desire in my heart to just wanna know more and more of Him. There was this unexplainable peace and joy that comes from deep within me everytime I am at the prayer service or whenever I listen to the songs they sang and then sang along. There was something different in my life. Something that was missing and now is found. I have found something worthwhile in my life. Something that makes so much sense. Of course this doesnt just happen overnight. I went through a lot of doubts, a lot of people telling me that I'm too extreme. A lot of people telling me that I was just wasting my time. But His grace was sufficient for me, I just couldnt ignore this desire in my heart that I just want to keep pursuing Him with all my heart, mind and soul.
God never ignore your calls, He is actually waiting for you to call unto Him. It doesnt matter who you are, who you were, what things you used to do and where you came from. It doesnt matter whether one person doesnt want you, the whole world rejects you, It doesnt matter ! He loves you! He loves you enough to give you His only Son. He loves you enough to have planned every single day of your life that you may be given a chance to receive His Son and receive eternal life, that you shall not perish and have an abundant life.
I am one person. I am only a single girl whose life been touched by God and changed completely by the mercy of His grace. I am one person whose life could be used as a testimony for some people who may have gone through what I have gone through. This is just one story from my life that I am sharing today. This is just a start of my journey with Him. This is just one of the many entries that I will be making to testify of His great Love in my life :).
I am very grateful, I am forever thankful that His love has found me the way I am. My life didnt have to start off in a mansion nor it needed to be planned by men. I know now more than ever before that it was planned by God. That He had carefully knit me together in my mother's womb (Psalm 139:14). That I was created specifically and purposefully, not manufactured or mass produced. There was a difference that God wanted me to make in my life and in others. By His grace I will do so as His Spirit continues to guide me in my walk with Him and reveal me one of the many things about Him. I am continuously amazed and is forever blessed. God doesnt only give you a chance in life like many of us tend to think that when we mess up, there is only one way out which is death. No. He gave us a lot of chances as long as we are willing to repent off our mistakes and trust in Him in all of His ways. Life doesnt need to be plain simple or ordinary. Lets be extraordinary for God has called us to do greater things than He who breaths out stars and knows the numbers of hairs on our head. I'm joining the race to pursue my great God, to be holy as He is holy and submitting my life unto Him alone. Have a great one guys, I hope this story can bless you one way or another! Im sure you have great stories of your own, lets start sharing to one another and build each other's faith for you are His living testimonies !
Jesus bless u :), may His name be glorified for ever and ever in our lives. Amen !
"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you." [John 15:16]
His Word on Holy Laughter :D !
Our mouths were filled with laughter,
our tongues with songs of joy.
Then it was said among the nations,
“The LORD has done great things for them.”
Genesis 21:6
*Isaac means He laughs :).
He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.
Job 5:22
You will laugh at destruction and famine, and need not fear the beasts of the earth.
** a little note, Hallelujah = Praise God :)! and Hosanna=God saves now!
Monday, January 17, 2011
An abundance of blessing...
Every single aspect of my life is a blessing.
Came home from a work training and I was just in awe at how the corporation run and how community impacting it is and You have carefully placed me in this role. What a blessing >I am sooo amazed at the videos, and those heartwarming people that knows just how to value and respect the lesser of them. I love You so much God. I thank You for every single thing that You have gracefully blessed me with. Thank You for a wonderful spiritual mom whom I love ever so dearly. I thank You so much for I am nothing but You continue to bring me every excitement beyond my imagination. Everything is Love and everything is about You. I thank You my Jesus, for You are faithful :) <3 !
-Amazed and Blessed-
Holy Spirit teach me and guide me more. Amen
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Im holding on to You :) !!!
Great are You Lord, over all !!
We will declare, Lord You are faithful !
Great are You Lord, over all,
Great are You Lord !!!
Thank You Jesus, You are faithful,
Thank You Jesus, Your love is better than life !!
-by Planetshakers-
God !! Thank You so much for a Spirit filled Sunday, I am constantly amaze by the river of Your grace. By Your Love that captures my heart and sets it apart from all evil.
God take me even higher with You, Take me even closer to You !!
For I am made for You and for You I shall live.
Let us break the gates that tries to stop Your children from coming back to You. I believe Lord with You all things are possible and You WILL deliver us from evil :D !!!
Unveil their eyes, open their hearts, let Your Spirit move mightily over each one of us and let this church be revived once again God. Help Your children in 180 to grow more and more to be just like You. We need You to make some changes only if it is according to Your will. We surrender it all unto You oh Lord, do as You please. I am here and I am ready to take on anything for You coz I know You are always and always with me and therefore I am NEVER alone. I always have and nothing can be against me. Nothing.
I love You oh Lord, I thank You for Your grace in my life and for Your everlasting mercy that saves me. Thank You Daddy with all being that is of me, I am screaming out my every cell as a tribute of my undying love unto You. Do not let these be mere words but God let these words be true. By Your grace purify my heart and make me life wholly unto You alone dear Lord.
In Jesus mighty name I pray :),
Amen ! xoxo
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Your message to me today
And He said.. "Do not fear, for I am with You =]...!"
Luke 1:74
to rescue us from the hand of our enemies, and to enable us to serve him without fear
Isaiah 43:21
the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise
and You've warned me about the rise of the false prophets three times today.
Dear Lord...

Lord establish Your kingdom in my life, this year is a start of something great :) !
There was a time of testing and now is the time of transition and fulfillment of Your promises. Be magnified in my life, even greater than before ! Let us bring people back to You according to Your mercy and grace. I love You Lord with all my mind heart and soul. Let me be that fired up phoenix who is flying upward as according to Your will. Let me walk each day with full certainty of Your will in every single one of my decisions. I love You love You and love You so MUCH ! Take me even deeper and even higher ! In Jesus name let me be all about You.